Occult Symbolism in Baphomet

As Satanists, we often turn to Baphomet and its symbolism for guidance and inspiration, alongside others like Luciferians. Baphomet is typically seen as a representation of dualism, embodying the concept of "As Above, So Below."
One common question I've encountered is about the meanings of "SOLVE" and "COAGULA."
"Solve" entails breaking things apart, analyzing, and dissecting, essentially generating knowledge by deconstructing complex problems.
"Coagula" (or "Coagulate") means bringing elements together, transforming chaos into order.
The Flame or Light above Baphomet's head:
This symbolizes knowledge, enlightenment, and understanding.
Opposing dark and light moons and pointing to both:
These represent duality, such as day and night, black and white, in keeping with the theme of "As above, so below."
Animal Depictions (Goat/Wings):
Historically, humans have often projected themselves as divine or godlike, but in reality, humans are just another species. This aligns with Anton Szandor LaVey's statement, "Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his 'divine spiritual and intellectual development,' has become the most vicious animal of all!"
Modern interpretations suggest that the animal depictions symbolize our attachment and the masks of beasts we sometimes wear, reinforcing LaVey's point.
The 5-point star:
The five-pointed star is connected to "man" (counting fingers on a hand) and interestingly, the apple in Milton's Paradise Lost, specifically the Apple of Knowledge. Slicing an apple along its "equator" reveals a five-pointed star shape.
The circle surrounding the star may explain why modern representations often feature pentacles and pentagrams within a circle. Some groups also use this circle as a magic circle or a circle of protection.
While not a widely accepted belief, the Chaos Star can also be seen as having five points emanating from a central point.
Masculine and Feminine features (shoulders and breasts):
The androgynous appearance of Baphomet suggests a dualistic representation of masculine and feminine energies.
The snakes (Serpents/Scales), half sphere, and rod:
These elements are often associated with fertility, life, healing, and rebirth. They can also connect to the serpent's symbolism in Milton's Paradise Lost and its association with Lucifer, "the Father of Lies."
Furthermore, they represent the concept of creation and destruction and the cycle of life, drawing parallels with the Ouroboros symbol.
It's worth noting that the "medical" symbol, the Caduceus, is said to have originated from similar concepts.
Do you see what I see in the symbol above?
In conclusion, the symbolism of Baphomet encompasses a wide range of meanings and interpretations, serving as a rich source of inspiration and guidance for those who delve into its mysteries.
Am I way off? Did I miss something? Let me know.
On a personal note:
My birthday is October 13th, 1981.
I'm a reference to the Knights Templar and the Papal Bull signed on October 13th, 1307; the origin of Friday the 13th superstition. My full name "Kenneth William Mayle" also has a Septenary reference to "59"
Jesus Christ
Aleister Crowley
In God We Trust
Shuhada Davitt
Baphomet was also the inspiration behind the Satanic name of my pig-son (Clarence Wiggum) as "Boarphomet"