My History with Satanism and David Livious
I wasn't born a Satanist.
I wasn't born a Satanist. I was raised somewhat secular however my mom is a practicing Catholic and my dad is Protestant last I checked. I vaguely recall being taken to church perhaps once by my mom. My mom's side of the family is very Catholic, my Dad's side is probably overall more agnostic other than I was.
For the majority of my life, I've identified as an Atheist with a small Buddhist stint perhaps around 2011 for a year or two. I read a book... that's about it.
The Satanist stuff started after my friend David Livious passed away on Valentine's Day 2015. Dave started doing heroin, was with some junkies, and he OD'ed and instead of calling for help the trash around him let Dave die.
It's important to describe this amazing brother from another mother human and our friendship. We knew of each other starting around Jr. High and High School but didn't get close until perhaps around 2000 or so. There was a crew in Detroit called "The Detroit Terror Team" that we all kinda hung out as a group.
Dave was a free spirit, smooth talker, and hustler. Although I took the road to college, I somewhat see Dave as what I would have done had I not; just traveled and experienced the world. He was my mirror in many ways.
I spoke at his funeral.
“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

At Dave's memorial I believe Ashley gave me one of Dave's stickers.
I didn't know anything about what the star, circle, pentagram, and pentacle are but thought if Dave was getting into it, and Satanic/Esoteric depictions. Dave explained to me the story of how he got a hybrid design of Baphomet and an Egyptian deity. Dave discusses the shirt below at about 4:45, then starts going into the Satanic Temple Baphomet statue at about 5:05.
What was Dave up to I thought?

In late 2023 speaking with a well-known Satanic Temple member in Detroit, I was told Dave was or was supposed to be part of the founding of the original Detroit Chapter.
So where do I go from here to learn more about the occult and gain more esoteric knowledge?
Originally I started reading the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey and signed up as a member of the Church of Satan not long after Dave's death. I also discovered the Satanic Temple and joined an early Facebook group.
A few months pass, I believe I've deciphered David Bowie's Blackstar cover/video and word got out the Satanic Temple is having an unveiling of the Baphomet statue back in Detroit. A buddy and I went.

At the unveiling, I was interviewed by Fox News but can't find the video of me talking. If someone finds it please contact me. I was inspired enough when I had an opportunity to ask Lucien Greaves about forming a chapter in Chicago. I was given contact information and at some point expressed interest again in a Chicago chapter. Unfortunately, I didn't get to speak with Jex Blackmore at all. Would have liked to but to this date just hasn't happened. I kind of see Jex as a comrade and in ways mirrors of sorts.
From here, I wanted. I was told there was a moratorium on new chapters but in parallel organized proto-members through Facebook groups. I won't get into the application process and screenings however based on who was interested two chapter leads were decided upon to actually go through that process. I was not a chapter lead; perhaps the chapter catalyst or perhaps the founder.
Concurrent with chapter activities I initiated lawsuits on topics like striking "In God We Trust" from U.S. currency, two cases on plural marriage, and another on nonsense with the Americans With Disabilities Act. I did one on building code that I should loop back on at some point however, was too overwhelmed with projects and had it dismissed without prejudice. These cases were not official work products of the Satanic Temple; they were mine alone.
The Chapter did quite a number of cool things that obtained media attention like the Snaketivity 2.0 sculpture in the Illinois capital building in December of 2018 and was involved with contributing to Satanic Panic events at the Art Institute of Chicago Ballroom.

In this time, I was also attending meetings with the OTO that helped a little in my understanding of various occult topics. However, since I would not take my mineral was asked to refrain from showing to meetings.
Right before COVID-19 there was a restructuring of the local Chicago Chapter into a broader Illinois chapter. I was part of this effort but not the only one. At some point, I did not feel I was again the correct person(s) to lead the chapter. From here I decided to kind of go back to my roots on personal projects that are in the same direction as TST but not working directly within the organization. For a list of things I did on my own, see the Wikipedia links below in the contact menu.
I do wish everyone well and if they do ever need help open to do so.
It's been a wild ride. Thank you eternally Dave for pointing me in the direction you did.
Kenneth Mayle (-59)